Halloween tricks and treats

If you were around wishfit for Halloween last year, you know we get pretty excited about the holiday. This year is no different; in fact the boys picked their costumes for this year, last year. What are they? A cop and a robber, and if you know them at all, you can probably guess who is what.

So, in the spirit of Halloween, I thought I’d share a few of my recent tricks and treats.


Telling the kids we are going out to the pumpkin patch at the Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield,

and then discovering that they had no pumpkins left, forcing us to go to the local grocery store instead.

Oops. Guess we were a little late on the pumpkin patch visit, but the kids didn’t care one bit!


Putting together these tasty little baggies of yum for Graham’s soccer team.

I wish I could take the credit for this snack, but I actually stole the idea from another mom on the team. It’s just fresh-popped (not microwave) popcorn, a dash of kosher salt, and a few candy corns. So tasty, filling, and just a tiny spike of sugar for after the game.


Finding out after I had popped, salted, and assembled said popcorn treats, that the soccer game was cancelled and I’d have to do the whole thing over again next weekend. Oh well. We’ve been enjoying them at home!


Fruit shake in a jack-o-lantern cup.


I’ve run out of tricks, let’s do a few more treats, shall we?


A few fun holiday decorations around the house.

And, finally, my contribution to Garrett’s classroom Halloween party.

I found this idea here, on Pinterest. What? Did you expect bags full of candy?

So there you have it, a small sample of our Halloween fun.

Check out this post from last year if you’re looking for a few ideas to keep your Halloween calorie count down.

Oh, and btw, I settled on my costume a few months ago, deciding to use the baby belly as inspiration. A hint:

Of course I’ll be back with some photo updates toward the end of the week. Have a happy and safe Halloween.

6 thoughts on “Halloween tricks and treats

  1. Joni Hilton says:

    Okay, you are a darling mom! I love your photos, your kids, your great ideas. And your cheeriness even though you missed the pumpkins AND the soccer game. (The Halloween tricks were on you, looks like!) And your fruit shake sounds both delicious and easy. May your lucky family appreciate the wonder that you are! Joni Hilton

    • wishfit says:

      Ha, ha! Yes the tricks were on me! And I plan to pass your comment on to my husband, just to make sure he DOES appreciate the wonder that I am. Thank you 🙂

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